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Dan Mirkin

Born: 1937, Paris, France.

In Israel, (Palestine), since 1938.




1963  B.A. "French Civilization" (Literature), Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


1973  L.L.B, Law Faculty. Tel Aviv University.


2010  M.A. Maritime Civilizations, (Marine Archaeology), Haifa University.

          Submitted a dissertation entitled:

"A port without a Port: The port of Jaffa during the Ottoman period (1516-1917) According to travelers’ descriptions, photographs and Iconography".


2016  PhD Tel Aviv University.

          PhD thesis:

"Aspects of Inter-relations between Land and Sea during the Crusader Period: Crusader Seamanship

in the Southern Levant". (The Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, Tel Aviv University).




An article based on the M.A. Dissertation was published in "Kathedra" (143, 2012) in conjunction with Prof. Haim Goren.


Dan Mirkin, Deborah Cvikel and Oren Tal; "Arsur Castle Maritime Installation (1241-1265 CE)", PEQ - Palestine Exploration Quarterly, Vol. 148,2016 – issue 4.


Dan Mirkin, "The Ottoman Port of Jaffa: A Port Without a Harbor". Chapter 6 in The History and Archaeology of Jaffa 2, published by the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, University of California, Los Angeles.


Sailing to the Holy Land: Crusader Ships, Seamanship, Logistics and Landing Operations. (Book)
Editor: BAR (British Archaeological Reports), Oxford: August 2018.


"Were Medieval Seamen Aware of Mediterranean Currents?"

Published in The Crusades and Nature, Jessalynn I. Bird & Elizabeth Lapina, Editors. Palgrave Macmillan, (Cham, Switzerland) 2024.




          Hebrew, French, English and Russian.

          Part knowledge: German, Greek.


Occupation and Hobbies:


Practicing lawyer for over 40 years until his retirement on 2012. Before that was a correspondent of "Haaretz" daily newspaper, and later in "Maariv".

Sailed in a sail boat in many parts of the world, including a transatlantic crossing (from Tel-Aviv to the Caribbean). Sailed in French Polynesia; sailed all over the Mediterranean inter alia following Crusader sailing routes; Sailed in Denmark in replicas of Viking boats; sailed from Israel to Cyprus in an open whale-boat.


Phone:     054-4245222 (or:+97254-4245222)

Address:  6, Ahavat Zion Str. Tel Aviv, Israel

© 2024 by Dan Mirkin.   Site design: Dina Konson

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